The story of a drunken WZRD.
WZRD W. Wizard was out with his fellow practitioners of the Dark Arts at the tavern, crackling with energy as the wizards argued over who was more powerful. WZRD, who had indulged in too many meads and grogs that evening, was particularly adamant that he was the best and most powerful. In an instant, he would come to regret it. WZRD cast a spell so dark and arcane that it ripped the very fabric of reality, wiping out everyone across the land. WZRD realized there was a slight chance he had cast the wrong spell. Surrounded by no living creatures, WZRD was driven to peak loneliness and despair. Spending many days lying around in just his robe, ordering takeout that would never arrive, he decided one day to attempt summoning some creatures and other wizards to be his friends. The problem with summoning was that everything came out bite-sized. WZRD decided he would create a whole new world of friends, which would take a massive amount of dark magic. He knew an incantation that could bring 111,111 new friends into existence, ending his loneliness. So WZRD spent the next year and a half walking the land, gathering every deadly berry and root of poisonous vegetation. What he was going to try was forbidden in the Wizard code, under penalty of death, but what did he have to lose? He simmered his potion for another 42 days, writing what he wanted his new friends to be like and throwing the paper into the pot. As he began casting the spell of all spells, the air began to churn and the sky darkened. WZRD felt himself getting happy as he started to think of the fun he would have with his new friends when he realized he forgot the gizzard of the lizard! Probably because there was no lizard to be found. WZRD was already halfway through the spell when he realized this, but it was too late. One by one, duplicates of WZRD popped into existence, each one more confusing-looking than the last. WZRD knew there was nothing he could do to stop this, not until all 111,111 of these duplicates came into the world. Because of his blunder, instead of 111,111 different individuals being created, the spell brought forth duplicates of WZRD, of varying wit and intelligence. SUPERUGLYβ’
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